27 Agustus 2010

Zakat & Buka Bersama

Diposting oleh Riszky di Jumat, Agustus 27, 2010 0 komentar
saya mau cerita...
di sekolah saya,ada acara zakat fitrah...
sebenarnya sih,gak pa pa...
tapi masalahnya...sayalah panitianya!!
males banget duehhh....
kenapa diriku yang super lazy ini bisa jadi wakil ketua OSIS sih??
jadi ketua kelas juga... haduuhh..haduuhh...
kedua,di SD gw ada Buka Bersama,
sebenernya gw males ikut.
tapi karena gw dah dipaksa mbak Rara,plus dah dapet undangannya...
masak iya nggak dateng??
Helep donk!

20 Agustus 2010

Cowok - Cowok di Kelasku

Diposting oleh Riszky di Jumat, Agustus 20, 2010 10 komentar
kalian tahu kelasku?
buat yang gak tahan,bisa nangis deh.
mau tahu kegilaan cowok - cowok (sinting) kelasku??
~Baju gak pernah dimasukkan
~Always and Usually lempar - lemparan kapur (kapurnya padahal sudah diamankan di lemari,tapi tetep aja sekardus itu habis. parah dehh)
~selalu geger (baca: e nya seperti e dalam memang,kalau e nya dibaca seperti e dalam elang,artinya jadi punggung) alias ribut. apalagi kelasnya tepat disamping kantor guru (gak kapok kapok)
~langganan masuk BK
~kalo pelajaran usually arisan ngegerombol di belakang
~bahkan pernah,waktu pelajaran itu malah tiduran di lantai!!
~kaki naik meja
~omongan saru - saru (tidak sopan)
~dan ini yang selalu menimpa saya : DIGANGGUIN!!!
~jarang nulis
~langganan bikin ngamuk guru
~pernah ditinggalin guru agama karena berulah gak mau diam
~nggratil (jahil) sangat sangat. pulpen diatas meja kamu tinggalkan semenit bisa hilang tak berbekas

saran :
~hati - hati saat perang kapur terjadi. lindungi mata dan kepala
~selalu masukkan pulpen ke dalam tas atau saku saat meninggalkan meja
~selalu rapikan buku ke dalam tas atau masukkan laci
~pastikan tas dalam keadaan tertutup dan tidak bisa dijangkau
~kunci kapur dalam lemari
~jangan pernah berikan kunci lemari sama anak cowok
~kalo kelas mulai ribut pergilah ke kamar mandi

19 Agustus 2010

Upacara Kemerdekaan RI ke-65

Diposting oleh Riszky di Kamis, Agustus 19, 2010 0 komentar
seperti adat kebiasaan bangsa Indonesia (bangsaku) kalo tanggal 17 Agustus pasti ngerayain upacara kemerdekaan.
seperi kemarin..
neraka banget....
udah puasa,disuruh panas panas upacara...
terang aja gw + teman teman,upacaranya belum selesai udah pada minggir ke belakang.
ngademin diri.
tapi emang jujur,kepalaku pusing (untung gak pingsan),perutku mules,panas buanget lagi...
efek global warming kale.
paling enak ya temenku,namanya...XXX (dirahasiakan demi privasi :P)
cuma ikut absen doang!!
gak ikut upacara (mau dong)
Alhamdulillah aku gak batalin puasa (selain dosa,karena aku gak sakit atau pingsan,juga males nyahurnya!)
bener bener deh.
tapi katanya dulu waktu 17 Agustus 1945 juga bulan Ramadhan tanggal  9 tahun 1364 H??(Ngutip perkatannya pak Suryadarma Ali waktu pembacaan doa di Istana Merdeka)
peduli amat.
pulang ke rumah semua channel TV isinya upacara semua!
gubrak.com deh....
tapi gak papalah...
habis rapi banget barisnya.
langit dan bumi deh ama upacara di sekolahku tiap senin :P

12 Agustus 2010


Diposting oleh Riszky di Kamis, Agustus 12, 2010 0 komentar
yaahh..meskipun isi postingan ini tentang WC 2010...yang pastinya udah ketinggalan jaman..but it's ok...
biar gue ceritain apa yg gw lakukan saat piala dunia,dan terutama saat final berlangsung.heeheehee
~waktu PD(perang dunia???hahaha) 2010..
aku adalah kalong sejati :P
selalu nonton yg jam 9 malem sampe jam 11 ato 12(pernah tuh..waktu jepang vs paraguay...ihh sebel banget jepang kalah di pinalti!!)
sebenarnya sih aku gak bela tim manapun..tapi gini...
kalo misalnya waktu pertandingan itu jepang vs paraguay..nanti aku belanya jepang...
tapi waktu paraguay vs spanyol...golput...
waktu jerman vs spanyol...jerman(huaaa...jerman kalaaahh)
gak pernah ketinggalan deh...kecuali ada masalah teknis yaitu....MATI LISTRIK!!
nah kalo itu gw nyerah pada yang Maha Kuasa...hahaha..soalnya rumahku kan gak ada diesel...
pinjem siapa?punya dohan?

~waktu final...
habis holat isya' tidur ampe jam 10 malem kurang dikit(tapi gak bisa tidur)
terus nonton penutupan..iih sebel banget...ternyata jam 10 malem itu penutupan ala global TV dan RCTI!!
sementara penutupan aslinya dari afrika sono baru jam 12 malem!
tapi gak papa deh..soalnya ada shakira :P
dan akhirnya...final pun dimulai setelah komentar2 gak penting komentator...
aku dukung Belanda!!
sebelnya...babak I ...0-0
babak II...masih 0-0
akhirnya waktu perpanjangan waktu,ketiduran deh..(sebentar,10 menitan)
tapi sebelnya...waktu itu andres iniesta nyetak gol!!!
oh tidakkk...1-0 buat spanyol..hikzz hikzz... T_T
akhirnya waktu spanyol ngangkat trofi piala dunia..gue matiin tuh TV! (kalo belanda mungkin gak..hehehe)
lagipula juga karena udah subuh!

~jadi kesimpulannya.....gue gak tidur dari jam 22.00 - 05.00
sumpah deh..ini baru pertama kalinya!!
kalo tidur jam sebelas malem sih biasaaa....
soalnya aku biasanya nonton bioskop trans TV.
o ya...finalnya tanggal 12 juli kan?
nah..hari itu juga gw masuk sekolah!
hari pertama lagi!!
hahaha...ni mata emang gak ngantuk...tapi kepala cenut cenut...
that's it...my story at World Cup 2010

P.S : jangan ditiru ya teman teman


Diposting oleh Riszky di Kamis, Agustus 12, 2010 0 komentar
ngomong ngomong...aku suka biologi...
tapi anehnya..kenapa aku yang maju olympicad fisika tingkat nasional??
haahh..bingung dehh..
aku ini kalo liat angka berderet jejer itu pusingnya minta ampun!!
apalagi kalo soal cerita!! *lemes*
haaahhh.... mungkin itu sebabnya kali waktu di solo dulu fisika kalah ..hehehe
selain juga karena aku dah enek banget ama yang namanya rumus....
tapi kalo teori masih nyambung sih..hahaha
aku suka teori..gak suka rumus rumus angka...
aduuhh...sekarang kok rasanya ni otak gak mau kerja buat mikir deeehhh...
parah parah parah!!
padahal aku ni udah kelas IX smp...
hikz hikz....toloonnnnnnggggg!!

11 Agustus 2010

Ramadhan is comin'

Diposting oleh Riszky di Rabu, Agustus 11, 2010 0 komentar
nyah,ramadhan lagi deh :D(namaku ramadhan loo...sama kan?)
kok cepet banget puasanya ya??
semoga aja gw bisa full puasanya (kecuali halangan menyebalkan itu..iiihh bikin utang puasa aja!kan gak enak puasa sendirian!)
saya mo ngucapin ....

7 Agustus 2010


Diposting oleh Riszky di Sabtu, Agustus 07, 2010 0 komentar
pasti udah tau deh isi nih postingan kalo liat judulnya........
alias Justin Bieber!
Justin Bieber Pictures, Images and Photos
saya fansnya JB :D
tapi ada juga nih yang benci JB,dan gawatnya dia teman sebangkuku..
yah,gak papa sih..kan suka suka dia :D
ok..balik ke JB....
kyaaa...dia itu lucu sekali...
yah..meskipun model rambutnya (agak) aneh..
tapi i luv him!

paling suka sih eenie meenie(sekarang ini)
entah kalo dia bikin single lagi....


(Sean Kingston)
Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla’ (if, if, if she holla) let her go

Shes indecisive
She can’t decide
She keeps on lookin’
From left to right

Girl, c’mon get closer
Look in my eyes
Searchin’ is so wrong
I’m Mr. Right

You seem like the type
To love em’ and leave em’
And disappear right after this song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Don’t leave me out here dancin’ alone

You can’t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
Please don’t waste my time, time, time, time, time
I’m not tryin’ to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’

[Justin Bieber]
Let me show you what your missin’
With me you’re winning girl
You don’t have to roll the dice
Tell me what you’re really here for
Them other guys?
I can see right through ya’

You seem like the type
To love em’ and leave em’
And disappear right after the song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Don’t leave me out here dancin’ alone

Can’t make up your mind
Please don’t waste my time
Not tryin’ to rewind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’

[Sean Kingston]
Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla’ (if, if, if she holla) let her go
Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla’ (if, if, if she holla) let her go

Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’

Can’t make up your mind
Please don’t waste my time
I'm not tryin’ to rewind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

[Justin Bieber]
Oh woooah, oh woooooah, oh wooooah, oh.
You know you love me, I know you care,
you shout whenever and I’ll be there.
You are my love, you are my heart
and we will never ever ever be apart.
Are we an item? girl quit playing,
we’re just friends, what are you saying.
Said there’s another, look right in my eyes,
my first love broke my heart for the first time.
And I was like…

Baby, baby, baby oooooh,
like baby, baby, baby noooooooo,
like baby, baby, baby, ooooh.
Thought you’d always be mine, mine (repeat)

[Justin Beiber]
Oh, for you I would have done whatever,
and I just can’t believe we aint together
and I wanna play it cool the thought of losing you
I buy you anything, I buy you any ring,
and now please say baby fix me and you shake me til’ you wake me from this bad dream.
I’m going down down down down
and I just can’t believe my first love won’t be around.
And I’m like…


Luda, When I was 13 I had my first love,
there was nobody that compared to my baby
and nobody came between us, no-one could ever come above
She had me going crazy, oh I was star-struck,
she woke me up daily, don’t need no Starbucks.
lyrics courtesy of killerhiphop.com
She made my heart pound, I skip a beat when I see her in the street and
at school on the playground but I really wanna see her on the weekend.
She knows she got me dazing coz she was so amazing
and now my heart is breaking but I just keep on saying….


Now I’m gone,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
now I’m all gone.
Gone, gone, gone, gone, I’m gone.

oyaaa aku juga suka miley cyrus
nyaaa...aku kasih cant be tamed ya....


For those who don't know me
I can get a bit crazy
Have to get my way yep
24 hours a day
Cause I'm hot like that

Every guy, everywhere
just gives me mad attention
Like I'm under inspection
I always get a ten
cause I'm built like that

I go through guys like
Money flying out the hands
They try to change me
but they realize they can't
And every tomorrow is a day I never plan
If u gonna be my man understand

I can't be tamed
I can't be saved
I can't be blamed
I can't can't
I can't can't be tamed
I can't be changed
I can't be tamed
I can't be can't I can't be tamed

If there is a question about my intentions
I'll tell ya
I'm not here to sell ya
Or tell you to go to hell
I'm not a brat like that
I'm like a puzzle
but all of my pieces are jagged
If you can understand this
We can make some magic
I'm wrong like that

I wanna fly
I wanna drive
I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don't know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby, by now you should know

I can't be tamed
I can't be saved
I can't be blamed
I can't can't
I can't can't be tamed
I can't be changed
I can't be tamed
I can't be can't I can't be tamed

Well I'm not a trick you play
I'm wired the different way
I'm not a mistake
I'm not a fake
It's set in my DNA
Don't change me
Don't change me
Don't change me
Don't change me
(I can't be tamed)

I wanna fly
I wanna drive
I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don't know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby, by now you should know

I can't be tamed
I can't be saved
I can't be blamed
I can't can't
I can't can't be tamed
I can't be changed
I can't be tamed
I can't be can't I can't be tamed

sama mariah carey yang obsessed dan candy bling...
yah,meskipun videoklip obsessed agak gimanaaaaa gitu..tapi aku suka lagunya kok :D


"Why are you so obsessed with me?"
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
Will the real MC please,
Step into the mike?
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
All up in the blogs
Saying we met at the bar
When I don’t even know who you are
Saying we up in your house
Saying I’m up in your car
But you in LA and I’m out at Jermaine’s
I’m up in the A
You so so lame
And no one here even mentions your name
It must be the weed, It must be the E
Cause you be popping hood
You get it popping, Oh
Why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)
Lying that you’re sexing me (when everybody knows)
It’s clear that you’re upset with me
Finally found a girl that you couldn’t impress
Last man on the earth still couldn’t hit this
You’re delusional, you’re delusional
Boy you’re losing your mind
It’s confusing yo, you’re confused you know
Why you wasting your time
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
Seeing right through you like
You’re bathing in Windex
Boy why you so obsessed with me?
Ooh Ohh Ohh
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
And all the ladies sing,
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
All the girls sing
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh
You on your job
You hating hard
Ain’t gon’ feed you
I’m gonna let you starve
Gasping for air
I’m ventilation
You out of breath
Hope you ain’t waiting
Telling the world how much you miss me
But we never were
So why you trippin’
You a mom and pop
I’m a corporation
I’m the press conference
and you a conversation
Why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)
Lying that you’re sexing me (when everybody knows)
It’s clear that you’re upset with me
Finally found a girl that you couldn’t impress
Last man on the earth still couldn’t hit this
You’re delusional, you’re delusional
Boy you’re losing your mind
It’s confusing yo, you’re confused you know
Why you wasting your time
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
Seeing right through you like
You’re bathing in Windex
Boy why you so obsessed with me?
Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
And all the ladies sing,
So oh oh oh oh
So oh oh oh oh
All the girls sing
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh
Why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)
Lying that you’re sexing me (when everybody knows)
It’s clear that you’re upset with me
Finally found a girl that you couldn’t impress
Last man on the earth still couldn’t hit this
You’re delusional, you’re delusional
Boy you’re losing your mind
It’s confusing yo, you’re confused you know
Why you wasting your time

4 Agustus 2010

Lagu Gaje

Diposting oleh Riszky di Rabu, Agustus 04, 2010 0 komentar
Aloha! :D
Long Time No See,Ryt?
sekarang gw kelas IX.
priye yo...
kok malah jadi suka JB(huehehe)
nggak belajar malah dengerin eenie meenie.
xixixixi.biarin dunk!
iyah,jadi padet deh jadual harian.gak bisa jadi koala again..
oyah,gara2 keseringan dengerin JB,Miley Cyrus sama Mariah Carey jadi pengen buat lagu sendiri..pake bahasa inggris duong...gyahahaha(gaya)
udah jadi 3(wow)
emm..judulnya Try To Believe,Don't Change Me,sama Let's Go Party
haduuhh jangan tanya nadanya!
setiap kunyanyiin,sekali nadanya mellow,kedua bisa beda jadi rap!
hadouh!gak nemuin nada yg pas and bener.
pengennya sih lagu rap(kayak Eenie Meenie,Can't Be Tamed atau Obsessed,Time For Africa juga boleh!)
tapiiii kalo gitu liriknya kurang...
yah maap ya..saya kan bukan lahir di inggris getoooo...
gak bisa bikin lirik banyak banyak.
okey laa...
saya tulis liriknya ajja yah.nanti kamu yg nyanyiin sendiri.tentu saja sesuai selera.

Try To Believe

i know i love you
i know i like you
but i don't wanna be yours

i know i see you
i know you're special
but i don't wanna be yours
i dont wanna be yours

if you wondering why,why,why,why?
i'll never tell you why
if you wondering why,why,why,why?
i'll silent for uncount time

Chorus I:
i just don't believe in love
i just dont believe with you
please,pardon me,pardon me

i cant believe in love
i cant,cant,cant,cant
it's a nightmare for me
could you help me?

please dont judge me
dont make me feel that i just did a mistake
ok,i know it's strange
but i'll try,try,try,to believe that

Chorus II:
Yeah,I've made it!
i know i can
i know i dont need your love
it just make me doubt
just be fun,baby,
you'll still be my bestfriend

do you believe in love?
yea,i believe,i believe,i believe
we know we can believe it

Don't Change Me

it's me,whatever you say
it's me,whatever you hate
it's me,whatever you see
it's just me!

baby,by now you should know
you can't change me anymore
because it's me,me,me,me

why dont you try to understand me?
forever,you cant change me!
o baby,why you so want change me?
you know i just like this

dont change me
dont force me
dont judge me
you hear?dont!

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